Dark Side Justice

Bringing Justice to The Dark Side Through Expose'

State GovernmentFederal GovernmentCorporateWorld

We expose criminals who commit their crimes under disguise of being good. Government criminal bureaucrats are rampant at every level of government. Americans need to take control of these criminals in government. The high paying government jobs attract criminals who break the law and accept bribes. Bureaucrat pay should be cut in half for all the upper level government jobs, for Federal and State. Under the U.S. Constitution it is a Public Service, not a high paying job! It is a serious flaw in our system.

Representative government is a complete failure!. There is no representation. Representatives who refuse to represent their constituents should be ousted and Americans should quit voting for them. If they don't do the job they should not be in office! They are criminals! We will expose them in our utilization of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution!

State governments have turned against the people in many states. They have conned the people into giving them power they should not have. Then they have abused that power and destroyed democracy. They continuously abuse their authority and are always trying to give themselves more authority, which is dangerous for democracy. They are criminals needing to be exposed!

Corporations are over influencing the government. Bribery is widespread in government by corporations. Corporations should not have entity rights! It gives them too much power and influence over our government, with their almost unlimited funds. We will expose them too!

We no longer live in America! The bureaucrats have taken over, just like they did in Germany in 1939!

The Upcoming Election Chaos

America Divided

The Rise of Nazi Germany

About Government Immunity

Consumer Warnings

Trilateral Commission


Our Investigations