Dark Side Justice
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Bringing Justice to The Dark Side Through Expose'

We are Divided and Conquered

New World Order, ie; the Trilateral Commission, including the Presidents Cabinet, have purposely politically divided America! If they keep us fighting each other, We The People will lose! There are Senators from both Parties who stand with the Enemy, but for the most part the Democrats are their party. They will literally do anything to take over our country and give us an Illusion of Democracy!

The ONLY WAY we can stop this takeover is to put our political differences aside and join together to fix our country! We only have Constitutional authority to do this if we join together. They know this. The more they divide us, the stronger grip they have over us! We should all go to the Independent or Constitution party and dump the two big parties that have failed us. We The People can only win if we stand together!

They plan to make us all peasants again! So poor that all we can do is barely survive! The extortion rent is just the first step! Next they plan to crash the stock market, like they did last time in 1929! It was a test back then to see if they could do it. The entire world economy will crash and everyone will lose everything, except the extreme rich of the Trilateral Commission. They will buy up the last 5% of the planet for penny's at that time!

Put away your Racial predjuces! They are using it against us! We are All Americans! Predjuce is for the uncivilized and ignorant. Genetically we are all human. My cat has black and white skin. Race and skin color are irrellevent!

Save America from the Takeover from Within